In our latest Community of Practice (CoP) online event, we welcomed Dr. Catherine Cronin.
The Online IGNITION European Project Community of Practice event featured Dr. Catherine Cronin, who delved into critical digital literacies and emphasized the importance of amplifying their effectiveness through collaboration across roles, institutions, and geographic boundaries. This event was skillfully organized by our esteemed partners at South East Technological University.
The online event was inspiring and interactive. Catherine challenged our views on digital literacies, not only in general but also in our teaching practice and interactions with colleagues at work. She provided a comprehensive overview of interesting literature and ongoing work being done worldwide. Additionally, all the sources she shared are open source.

The panel featured an insightful discussion in which Catherine along with panelists Madelon Van Oolstrom and Catriona Warren looked into practices in their institutions, what others are doing around the world, and how we can connect all of this with colleagues and students alike. This discussion served as a reminder that despite the pandemic being over, challenges persist for both lecturers and students. The importance of equity was emphasized throughout the session. Equity, equity, equity!
About the Key Note Speaker: Dr Catherine Cronin is an independent scholar focusing on critical and social justice approaches in digital, open and higher education. She is co-editor of Higher Education for Good: Teaching and Learning Futures (2023, forthcoming) and was a 2022 GO-GN Fellow. Catherine has worked in higher education and community education for many years, most recently as digital and open education lead in Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. You can find Catherine online at and
If you would like to watch the event, you can access it here:
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